Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do your part like it should be done.

I'm not feeling particularly talkative. But I just thought I should have a rehash on my oh-so-inspirasi speech I gave to the prefects.

After all they are the ones with the real authority in school.

Hey I'm very aware I'm a nobody in the prefect world, but I do have things to say okay!

*Extract from chatlog*

(17:17) [ .__> ] liqi: i told them:
(17:17) [ .__> ] liqi: in every successful committee or company, there is one extremely vital component that makes or breaks it
(17:17) [ .__> ] liqi: it's called respect.
(17:18) [ .__> ] liqi: now, i'm not asking you to respect your seniors, your teachers or anything, because those things have been repeated to death
(17:18) [ .__> ] liqi: what i'm telling you
(17:18) [ .__> ] liqi: is to respect your uniform.
(17:18) [ .__> ] liqi: not everyone gets to wears this uniform
(17:18) [ .__> ] liqi: so if you wear this uniform, you are a privileged one.
(17:18) [ .__> ] liqi: you have been granted authority and license to change what's wrong and maintain what's right.
(17:19) [ .__> ] liqi: in my five years as a student
(17:19) [ .__> ] liqi: i've seen many prefects
(17:19) [ .__> ] liqi: some extremely efficient and good ones, (ala justin yong)
(17:19) [ .__> ] liqi: and some extremely poor and apathetic ones.
(17:19) [ .__> ] liqi: i wish that will change
(17:19) [ .__> ] liqi: because, in the past, not many of them were actually brave enough to do something about the wrong things that are happening in school. they just didn't care enough.
(17:20) [ .__> ] liqi: i hope you all are different
(17:20) [ .__> ] liqi: i am an old man, i'm leaving this school soon.
(17:20) [ .__> ] liqi: you are young, you can still change this school, for the better. I really wish you all do.
(17:20) [ .__> ] liqi: that's all.

So, this is my parting wish that should I be back few years from now, it'd be a much better place!

Go forth, young ones!

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